I just finished this stunning novel by author Megan Chance. I have never read any of her work before, but after finishing this gripping and haunting tale of passion and identity I will definitely be reading her others. I couldn't put the book down and whilst I was expecting a historical romance, I couldn't have been more wrong and (this being something I never admit) happy to have been so. Instead I was surprised by a complex, meaty plot; a tightly woven mystery based around secrets and lies, both past and present. Chance's ability to mix the inner turmoil of her characters with the battering winds, intense dark and rain adds much to the atmosphere, and brings the stunning but treacherous landscape to life. Whilst her confidence in writing about this period in history, adds a sense of reality that's not easy to accomplish.
I could not recommend this novel enough, there's enough history, mystery, romance, hardship and heartache in this novel to suit almost anyone who enjoys beautiful prose, believable characters and an intelligent, imaginative story. So don't thank me now, instead get reading immediately, I insist!
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