Monday, 21 March 2011

The Photographic Bookwork

If your home is your castle, then indisputably the bedroom is your throne room. It is the place a seldom privileged few get granted leave to enter, and to the owner it is a sacred area to unwind from an oft cruel world and attempt to regain a sense of sanity.

This holds especially true for the hectic, ramshackle lifestyle of a student. It is one's place of sanctuary, a respite from the burdens of shared accommodation and the setting for multiple attempts at debauchery.

A bedroom can say a great deal about the inhabitant, and within these pages is depicted the boudoirs of a select group of individuals, with each shot delivering an insight into the hearts and minds of the souls represented within.

As those of you who keep up-to-date with my blog, you will know my Bookwork project has been all about bedrooms, and by photographing this intimate space I hoped to be able to create a portrait of an individual without photographing the person in question. So here is my book that I have created on and has been sent off to be made. But until the final thing arrives, here is a sneak peak for all of you blogger fans out there! Let me know what you think!

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