Saturday, 24 December 2011

Festive Baking

As some of you more avid bloggers may remember, this festive time last year I made one of my usual Christmas cakes decorated with my own Christmas theme. Last year it was a Gingerbread party, complete with intoxicated Gingerbread men. This year, after another 6 hours labour my Christmas theme is... Hogsmeade in Harry Potter. Yes you heard right, a Harry Potter themed Christmas cake made entirely from scratch (of course) meaning I had to bake the cake, cover it with marzipan and icing, then make my figures, dying the white icing various colours and moulding it into shape.

Anyway, this year I think it is a pretty damn good one but let me know what you think compared to my last Christmas cake (which of course was blogged about December 2010).
This year I have also included making a Gingerbread house for the Christmas festivities... Have a look and let me know what you think... don't think it'll be eaten as that is a hell of a lot of sugar for one treat, but the gingerbread tastes good!

Friday, 2 December 2011

The end of another project...

As the end of another project looms I have finally decided on a final series for my project to do with identity and the feelings of being overshadowed and insignificant. Whilst the images shown below are not necessarily my final prints, as I have a few more too take, I am really pleased with them and feel they make a strong series to end my Major Project Planning and take me into my Final Major Project. But don't take my word for it, I'm biased, let me know what you guys think.

Thanks again Bloggers!
Click on image to enlarge